Hello everybody!
Hello , my nick is Dr_Acula_Hr and i'm playing on European servers.
I want to introduce you with my blog about World of Tanks.
This is my first post so don't be too picky pls.
World of Tanks 9.6 update, medium tier VIII premium tanks review.
In update 9.6 came 2 new premium tanks, both are mediums and both are tier VIII, Japanese STA-2 and French AMX CDC .WG after releasing Panther 8,8 learned that they should let us first test premium tanks, so they did it. I was testing them for you.Please continue to read beacuse i will write what i think about every tier VIII medium premium tank.
First medium premium tank tier VIII was chinese T-34-3 , we can say it is upgraded T-34-2 with 122 mm gun with a better reload time.I used 75% crew , equiped with: Vertical stabilizer, Gun laying drive and Rammer.
I played against a lot of amx cdc and sta 2 :(
Why is this tank great? I like this tank cause it has super armored turret that can bounce every hit from amx cdc if you are lucky . In first battle with it , I think it bounced 7 hits from distance of 20 meters. It has such a great turret. One more great thing about this is that this is only tank that can go around heavy and keep shoting on it cause of best mobility.Sta,AMX,T26E4 and Panther can't do that because of some minuses in their mobility. When i finished first 2 battles i finally won. T-34-3 has an awesome gun that can make even 340 in one hit. I would say that it reloads so long but when it is ready it is punishing oponents.It has some minuses also. I'm miserable when i have to say that it doesn't have 1500 or at least 1400 health points . It has the weakest HP in this group of tanks, only 1300 health points. It also doesn't make as much credits as Panther 8.8 does. It does 30 k credits per battle.
T26E4 Super Pershing
American tier VIII medium premium tank is T26E4 Super Pershing , that is first tank that costs less then 10 k gold it costs only 7 200 gold. But what can you expect for that price, it doesn't have anything that you can use against tier 9 , cause it's MM isn't right for its capabilities.When you buy it buy at least 10 shells of gold amunition, good luck.
I tried it out with 100% crew and BiA with same equipment as T-34-3. If you want to buy it you need to know that it has only 170 mm of penetration and it is slow to go around E 75, it is slower then E 75 :(. If penetration and speed don't bother you it is ok. It has some good things like frontal hull armor that can bounce E 75 hit but with many weakspots on turret , those weakspots everybody know unfortunatelly. It doesn't reloads like artillery it reloads just 6.39 sec with rammer and BiA and every 6.39 sec it makes 240 dmg. It isn't much but it helps if you can hit enemy's side. Only thing why somebody should buy this tank is it is moneymaker. With only 2 k dmg you can recieve 40 k credits when you pay amunition and everything. If you need credits and you don't have bank of gold but you want armor buy this tank.
Panther mit 8.8 cm L/71
It isn't long ago when this tank cam out with price of 11 k gold. People are still talking about one more but bigger mistake of WG, they didn't let anybody try out Panther on test servers before they released it in shop. After few days Panther's price fell down to 7,300 gold. But people still don't want to buy it, I asked myself why. I didn't knew answer so i tested it.
It is big tank like any panther tank. I saw that turret on Panther I, so it is mostly Panther I and not Panther II. 75% Crew and always same equipment . I got into battle against too many AMX CDC's and STA's 2. Like i'm blessed. My Panther was destroying those French tanks .Panther is slow but against so many noobs in new mediums I didn't took shells seriously :). I went in against 3 AMX CDC's with 2 noobs on my side and we destroyed them easy.Like nobody could stop me I destroyed one more tank and at end of battle i had 3 tanks destroyed all new mediums. I really like this tank. With 203 mm of penetration it can face tier 8 really nice but against tier 10 it can't do much. It has so many HP even 1500, like IS-3. It has some cons. unforunatelly (I use this word too often). Mobility isn't that good it has so weak engine so it goes only 45 km per hour on flat surface. Also cause it has weak top speed it is slower than Panther on hill or going downhill. Once best tier 8 medium moneymaker was swaped with this tank it made 41 k credits that is 15 k more credits than Super Pershing, you don't have to use gold so often so it is cheaper. I can say this is tank that i would love to see in more garages.
New mediums now, when i saw AMX CDC and STA-2 I said that AMX is better.But after 4 battles with AMX I saw it's cons. and one pro. STA is maybe slow but it has better armor than AMX CDC , barely, but it does. So i tested it also.
It's price is how they say, 11 k gold. I think it isn't worth that money. In battle this tnak can do so much, if they can't hit you or spot you. It has only 45 mm front hull armor , and it is even more than AMX has it has only 30 mm. STA also has better turret. If you angle it wright you can even bounce tier 10 heavy like i did against T110E5. This tank has also nice rotating speed, light tanks like Bulldog won't destroy you easy. We can say that this tank is super powerfull , but slow light tank. It doesn't have armor but it has more HP than T-34-3, 1400 HP. STA's penetration is only 185,9 mm :(. This is flank tank so if you have tank like T-25 you will play this tank really good. It doesn't make credits like Panther 8.8 but it makes more than T26E4.
Last tank in this review is AMX CDC, so big tank with so low armor. People said this is tier 8 Hellcat and they didn't lie. It is.
We don't know its preliminary price yet but it can't be big for this tank. The most fast medium tier 8 (premium) has so low mobility. It turns like Hellcat , and it is so big , high top speed is good but cause of that it has only 30 mm of frontal hull armor and 30 mm in front side of turret.
Penetration of this tank isn't comparative with STA-2 cause it has more than STA , even 36 mm more. It reloads 6 sec with rammer also. This tank is average moneymaker , and it has 1420 HP. I think WG wanted to make two tanks that can compare with each other but they are better in some things and worser in other things. STA-2 is mobile tanks that rotates fast and has better armor that can bounce some hits, but AMX CDC is faster tank with more penetration that needs to hide or flank enemies. It is up to you will you buy some of these tanks or you won't buy any of it.
TNX for reading come once more.
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